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AAEE 2024 Annual Conference

  • 13 Sep 2024
  • 14 Sep 2024
  • Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona
  • 111


  • The Arizona Master Naturalist Association will offset the cost for 10 members to attend this event from their scholarship funds.
  • This is the rate AFTER August 11th.
  • This is the rate AFTER August 11th.
  • This registration is for organizations who wish to bring a table display for the Share Fair. The fee covers the cost of the table space and provides ONE FREE registration for a staff member.
  • We have reserved 15 spaces for students who do not have access to professional development funding through their institution. Email from your ".edu" email address and we'll give you the code to register. You must also join as a member to get this rate. **If you are a high school student and don't have a .edu email address, let us know in your message.



AAEE is honored to plan and coordinate an annual conference each year. Our conferences are designed to explore cutting edge topics, share ideas with each other, and support those new to the field of environmental education.

AAEE’s annual conference provides a space for networking with other EE professionals, sharing successes and challenges from the past year, developing new skills and learning new tools, and engaging in meaningful conversations about the future of environmental education in Arizona.  Our conferences, and all of our events, are as inclusive as possible. We keep registration fees reasonable, offer pay what you can options, split the event on weekdays and weekends, and host in-person conferences in a welcoming space with an organization that shares our values. We invite an array of speakers, and raise up the voices of those typically under-represented in our field.

2024 In-Person Conference: Resiliency

September 13-14, 2024, Pima Community College East Campus and Patagonia, AZ. Our 2024 in person event will be two days in Southern Arizona! We will host indoor sessions on Friday in Tucson and then field trips and outdoor sessions on Saturday in Patagonia. The theme is centered on our vision for building a network of educators who work together and support each other, help young EE professionals enter the field, promote equitable pay for those in our field, and expand the boundaries of what we consider environmental education to work toward equitable and sustainable solutions for all of our community members. 

Arizona Association for Environmental Education is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.


P.O. Box 42682

Tucson, AZ 85716


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